"The Preeminence of Jesus"
I. The Presence of Jesus (Matthew - John)
D. Jesus Is The Son of God Who Came To Save (John)
1. The Witness of the Word - 1:1-18
a. The Word and His Witness - 1:1
1) He Was Omnipotent Before The Beginning - 1:1a "beginning"
2) He Was Omnipresent Before The Beginning - 1:1b "with"
3) He Was Omniscient Before The Beginning - 1:1c "was"
b. The Word and His Whereabouts - 1:2
c. The Word and His Work - 1:3
1) The Content of His Work "all things"
2) The Creation of His Work - "made"
3) The Capability of His Work - "through Him"
4) The Completeness of His Work - "and without Him...made"
d. The Word and His World - 1:4-13
1) They Did Not Realize What He Was - 1: 4,5
a) The Lord - 1:4a "in Him"
b) The Life - 1:4b "was Life"
c) The L. . .
[the whole outline is 1,123 lines long]

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