"The Preeminence of Jesus"
V. The Prescriptions of Jesus (Romans - Jude)
5. Jesus Is The Sum of All Things (Ephesians)
a. The Immutable Plan of God - 1:1 - 3:21
1) It's Eternal People - 1:1-14
a) Recognize Your Righteousness - 1:1
b) Rely On Your Resources - 1:2,3
c) Remember Your Responsibility - 1:4-14
1) To Praise The Father Who Selected Us - 1:4-6
a) Rejoice In Your Reception - 1:5,6a
(1) The Son Died For Everybody
(2) The Father Wants To Save Everybody
(3) The Holy Spirit Calls Everybody
b) Rest In Your Relationship - 1:6b "accepted"
2) To Praise The Son Who Saved Us - 1:7-13a
a) For The Pardon We Have In Christ - 1:7
b) For The P . . .
[the whole outline is 216 lines long]

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