"The Preeminence of Jesus"
. The Predictions About Jesus (Genesis Thru Malachi)
B. The Past: The Preparation For Jesus (Joshua - Esther)
7. Jesus Is Our Slendor (2 Kings)
a. The Reign of Ahaziah In Israel - 1:1-18
1) The Punishment - 1:1,2
a) A Contentious Man - 1:1
b) A Clumsy Man - 1:2a
c) A Carnal Man - 1:2b
2) The Preaching - 1:3-18
a) The Man Who Made The Wrong Decision - 1:3-8
(1) An Unexpected Visitor - 1:3
(2) An Unexpected Message - 1:4
(3) An Unexpected Return - 1:5
(4) An Unexpected Report - 1:6-8
(a) The Details - 1:6,7
(b) The Description - 1:8a
(c) The Discovery - 1:8b
b) The Men Who Made The Wrong Demand - 1:9-12
(1) The Call - 1:9
(2) The C . .
[the whole outline is 644 lines long]

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